Beatrice Rana founded in 2017 Classiche Forme, an International Chamber Music Festival in Lecce, her hometown.
The festival has become one of the biggest musical summer events in Italy and it has revitalized and renewed the perception of chamber music among young people and larger audiences.
Since then it has been bringing great music to the iconic places of Salento, from art sites to the countryside, gathering around some of the biggest names of classical music together with young artists.
To remove barriers between stage and audience, to combine popular Salento traditions with classical music, to present artists with established careers alongside emerging young artists, to commission new works, to discuss current musical issues, to invest in the renovation of the audience: these are the founding prerogatives of Classiche Forme. My desire is to bring to my Salento all the emotions that I experience playing around the world, creating a strong connection among the territory, the artists, the audience and music.
Beatrice Rana
Beatrice Rana ha fondato nel 2017 Classiche Forme, Festival Internazionale di Musica da Camera, a Lecce, sua città natale.
Il festival è diventato uno dei più prestigiosi eventi estivi del panorama italiano, avendo rivitalizzato e rinnovato la percezione della musica da camera nell’immaginario di giovani e pubblico mainstream.
Sin dall’inizio porta la grande musica nei siti d’arte e nella campagna, raccogliendo attorno a sé alcuni dei più grandi nomi della musica da camera al mondo ma anche giovani di sicuro talento.